Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tokyo Trip (part nana) ....

After leaving the lolitas & the free huggers we decided to continue onward in Shibuya (the area of Tokyo we were currently in). We walked for a while and stumbled upon Peace Days in Shibuya, a festival to promote international peace. I couldn't have been happier - I'm all about international peace!!
Like any other festival, there was eating, drinking, music, dancing, and various activities. This particular festival had a lot of booths set up dedicated to educating on world peace and protecting the environment.

This reminded me of the Grandview Park Band shell.

These people were painting bodies. They kept motioning for us to come over, but we refused (the paint would have come right off with the obscene amounts of sweat that comes from walking twenty miles in 100 degree heat).

The most interesting band was playing:

These were some break dancers doing some informal dancing. They were teaching the young child to dance. We watched for a while & it was pretty interesting. It reminded me of Venice Beach in LA ... some kids were dancing for money. Here it is illegal to dance for money.

We were hungry so we decided to try these very interesting concoctions.You had your choice of chicken on the left, or beef on the right. How does one purchase a chunk of meat that large?
I don't know exactly what it was, but they were good though.

We headed back to the area around Harajuku Station to do a little lolita shopping, or at least pretend to be lolitas while shopping. Gwen Stefani has talked about being inspired by the fashion in Harajuku and they definitely have some outrageous fashion.
I thought this sign (at the train station) was beautiful.
This is the never ending sea of people shopping the streets of Harajuku. 12.6 million people live in Tokyo. I think half of them were shopping on this street that particular evening.

Some of the hot trends. Hot and expensive - these outfits (or lack thereof) were easily $500

Some gothic wear being showcased. They also had outrageous platform shoes that I swear I used to wear in high school. Those who know me and my pack-rat ways will believe it when I say I think I might still have them. :)
This man had the most outlandish fashion sense out of anyone I saw in Tokyo ... more so than the lolitas. Those are actually goldfish hanging from his ears & who-knows-what on his hat. I wish I would have taken my picture with him.

much love,

1 comment:

  1. tara
    I missed this part for some reason. You were not kidding about the numbers of people, that's insane. MOM XXXXXXOOOOOOOOO
