Friday, October 19, 2007

Himeji Castle ...

A few weeks ago Ashley, Teresa & I took the shink (the shinkansen) to a city called Himeji. This are of Japan is home to the gracious Himeji Castle. Known as one of the "Three Famous Castles", it is also the most visited castle in Japan. The structure, inside and out, was amazing. The tall stone foundations, whitewash walls, and organization of the buildings within the complex are standard elements of any Japanese castle, and the site also features many other examples of typical castle design, including gun emplacements and stone-dropping holes. The walkway to the main castle is a complex spiral maze of dead ends used as a defense mechanism against intruders.

Himeji was bombed twice in 1945, at the end of World War II. Although most of the surrounding area was burned to the ground, the castle survived almost entirely unscathed.

The castle is surrounded by a moat, duh. :)

After learning that the walls of the castle are all intricately stacked stones of various sizes, Ashley decided to see if she could take down the castle.

Beginning our trek ... at the very bottom.

The story of our lives here, NO SHOES!!

We're heading up to the top .. in slippers. One size fits all slippers. Did I mention that they have small feet here?

I had to duck while climbing the stairs ... I'm only five feet two inches tall!!

The stairs were so steep!! The kind where you have to turn your foot sideways to get it to fit ... my foot in a slipper three sizes to small while carrying my shoes in a plastic bag in one hand and my overstuffed backpack in the other hand.

Wondering if this trap door will help us escape the 100 degree heat.

Hot, tired, thirsty & slightly in pain ... we made it to the top!

Of course we said a prayer.

The view of Himeji was beautiful.

And after about three minutes of the unbearable heat, we began our descent.

Although C3 said I was going to find a prince to marry while I'm here, I didn't find him at Himeji. Not yet anyway ... The are is so beautiful I know I will be back.

much love,

1 comment:

  1. Tara
    The castle is really pretty, but I myself dont know if I could climb all the steps to get there. Good Job ladies. MOM XXXXXOOOOOO
