Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tokyo Trip (part go) ...

Here we go again ...
So everyone knows I love to shop. Some might even say I have a slight problem, others might say I have an addiction ... all I have to say is if it's an addiction, I got my fix in Ginza.

This area of Tokyo is known for it's high-end shopping. There are many department stores, boutiques, and name brand stores. Of course nothing I could afford, but the experience was amazing. I was in heaven for about three hours.

This is one of the oldest department stores in Japan called Wako. It was amazing inside. It reminded me of Harrods in London.
Everywhere you turned there was something good.

Nine floors of Apple, including iPods that we do NOT have in the states.
I wish I could have purchased a thousands things in Tiffany.
D&G .. Dan Glasson? :)

Louis Vuitton is my personal favorite ... I didn't buy anything though. It took a lot of self control.

Burberry, of course.The Sony building - with every electronic imaginable.

The building was so amazing, even the bathroom was technologically advanced. The sink in the bathroom was an all in one. First water, soap, rinse, & dry - all without having to move your feet.

Just checking out an amazing computer, tv, everything & anything all in one. (We also debated taking a nap here.) :)

The inside of the Sony Building:

A presentation for a new product. Obviously we couldn't understand the whole idea, but it looked pretty interesting.

This whole display is to market the television. Talk about the 'in home experience'. I also wanted to take a nap here, but refrained.

So everyone knows that I love the Gap, but I love the Gap ads even more! The whole train station was covered in Gap ads. It definitely made me want to go shopping at Gap. We have one in Okayama though. :)

not finished yet ....
much love,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tokyo Tara,
    Love the pictures. It looks like you are having that great experience. You are be coming more worldly "my dear", isn't it wonderful?

    We miss you around here. Hey, we miss everyone around hear.

    You remain crazy. Love the blocks, you really break it down.
