Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Doctor ...

So I haven't been sleeping very well since I've been here. Just call me an insomniac. At first I blamed jet lag, but after five weeks, and countless restless nights, I decided to ask Naoko about going to the doctor. I was nervous

I told Naoko my symptoms and she agreed that I should definitely go to the hospital. I told her I didn't need to go to the hospital, just the doctor, but here they say hospital and they mean doctor's office. Anyway, she said she would take me the very next day. I inquired about needing an appointment and she assured me that you did not need one. "You maybe wait one half or one hour, but no appointment necessary." (-Naoko) My next question was how much it was going to cost. I know how much a doctor's visit and a prescription sleep aide would be at home and I was getting nervous. I know I have insurance, but that doesn't always mean a lot back home. Naoko assured me that it would be, "maybe cheap. Much cheaper than America." I agreed to go, although still a skeptic.

Naoko picked me up at 5:30 and we drove to a small doctors office not far from my house. The office was open until 6:30. When we walked in we had to remove our shoes (as you do at most doctor's offices, restaurants, people's homes, schools, etc.) and we noticed that there wasn't anyone in the waiting room. Naoko said, "maybe special occasion". We approached the counter and I gave the receptionist my insurance card. She didn't give me any long, annoying paperwork or ask me any extensive questions that would require me calling my mother. She just said, "Please wait". We waited about five minutes and a nurse, dressed in all white with one of those paper-like nurses hats with a red cross, not in a typical nurse frock with colored dogs like at home, escorted us to a bench outside the examination room. Naoko told me that the doctor might, "ask you some question, watch you, or give you medical examination" so I was prepared. The door opened and a different nurse escorted us inside.

The office was small and the doctor was sitting at a desk, wearing the typical doctor get-up. There were three nurses dressed alike standing behind him and I was asked to sit on a chair next to the desk. The doctor was looking at some papers and writing some notes and Naoko explained to him my condition. He spoke some English and said, "You have stress?" I said not more than usually and he asked when I have trouble (falling asleep or waking up after I have been sleeping) and I responded appropriately. He spoke to Naoko and she translated. He motioned to one of the nurses and within two seconds the three of them were helping to put a cuff on my arm to take my blood pressure. Afterwards they returned to their stand-still position.

Finally he prescribed a medication and explained that he did not want me to form a habit so I was to take it for five days, skip a day, take for three days, skip a day, etc. Then he said if I do not see an improvement to come back and he would test further. We were then escorted out of the room and back to the waiting room. It took all of about five minutes. I was very impressed.

We waiting again for less than five minutes and we were called to the counter where I picked up my prescription (no pharmacy needed) and began to sweat about the bill. I had brought 20,000 yen because I knew that you always pay in cash. I don't know if you get billed for anything around here - I always see people pay right then and there. My blood pressure was rising (where were those nurses) as I waited for the receptionist to fill out my receipt and when she handed it over I almost fainted. My total bill, for the doctor's visit & the medication, was 1.130 yen. That is approximately $10.00. Yes, that's right, ten dollars!

The doctor's office was better than I could have expected. There wasn't any waiting - the doctor got straight to the point, no pointless, time-wasting testing, x-rays, or paperwork - I picked up my medication there without leaving - and it was only TEN DOLLARS! Amazing.

I don't know why you might want to see my medication, but here's the prescription packet and the medication I'm taking (Lendormin D - or something of the sorts).

Let's hope that it works. I need sleep!!

much love,


  1. hey baby , hope you gets some good sleep .

  2. Tara
    Your melatonin is on the way, but til then take your Meds MOM XXXXXOOOOO
