Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Biota ...

I've been out & about, wandering around (in the heat, obviously) and I have been noticing the flora in the area. Most of the landscape is green and brown - a lot of trees, bushes, shrubs, what have you. Every once in a while you will see flowers or colored plants that really stand out. They're quite beautiful. I've taken to photographing them when it isn't awkward or too touristy.
My grandpa might be proud - than again maybe not - my photos are amateur.

These trees look like the trees that used to be in my front yard when I was little.
There's no escaping the sun.
The color in these trees was beautiful. A nice addition to the typically green & brown scenery.

Some flowers growing off of the street.

The underside of a strange tree...

The evergreens all grow in this strange spiral pattern.
I don't know if they grow like this naturally or if they are pruned regularly - I'll have to inquire.
The weeping willows in Kurashiki remind me of home.

I might invest in a nice camera while I'm here and attempt to take better pictures. Stay tuned.
much love

1 comment:

  1. Babygirl
    Those flower trees did look like the ones on Collin St, Your pictures look real good. MOM XXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOO
