Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Okinawa Trip Part San ...

Here's some random s from Okinawa. No real story, no historical facts, or entertaining quips, just some random pictures. :)

The name of this street was Kokusai Dori which translated to the International Street.
It was hip & happening & on Sundays they block the street off for the shoppers.

There were A LOT of steak houses (like this one) & apparently Okinawa
has some of the best beef in Japan.
An Okinawan taxi.
We are kind of in to trying different 'soft creams' (soft serve ice cream).
They have a lot of crazy flavors in Japan including lavendar, rose, tofu, seasme,
cantaloupe, cheese, and most recently salt. Yes, salt.

This ice cream was salt & tasted like ... well, salt.
No, it wasn't very good.

Okinawa is famous for it's awamori. A type of alcohol that is kind of like sake, kind of not.
This awamori was sold in these containers with those nasty snakes at the bottom.

Sick, huh?
So the weather was not the greatest while we were vacationing on the island. It was actually kind of disappointing, but we didn't let it get us down. Despite the fact that it was kind of cold and rainy we just kept thinking it could be worse. We could be home in Okayama where it was freezing and snowing. I'd take the rain any day.

We just carried our umbrellas. Everywhere!
"Don't forget your umbrella Claire."
The food in Okinawa was a cultural mix. It was definitely a welcomed change though. :) Taco rice was one of the most popular things to eat & there were little diners specializing in tacos & taco rice set up all over the place. And let me tell you, it was amazing.
Okinawa's local beer, Orion.
Tuna tacos. Surprisingly good. :)
Hard sauce or soft sauce? Apparently the hard sauce is more popular.
Not finished with Okinawa quite yet ...

much love

This blog is dedicated to my faithful readers Cathy & Seth. :) I'm sorry for the hiatus & it won't happen again.

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