Thursday, November 8, 2007

Harvesting the Rice ...

Way back when Amanda and I had inquired about harvesting rice and all of our curiosity earned us two spots on the school field trip to the local rice patch.

Of course we walked there, using the buddy system.

Three of my adorable four year olds, hanging out in the rice field.

Constructing knowledge:

This little boy's name is Souta (pronounced Sow-ta). Hi kind of reminds me of my sweet baby Darion from last year (only without all the crying & those weird tantrums ... anybody miss those? I know Shirley does! Joke, joke).

The children were finding everything gross that I had thought lived in the rice. Huge spiders, deformed frogs, insects I couldn't identify ... everything except the people that I could have sworn had fallen into the rice fields and were unable to escape.

Why not make a hay pile? I would have done it if I was four.

And then I would have done exactly this:

Peace bench or not, problem solving is so hard. This little boy was crying and, between Amanda and I, we could not figure out what was wrong. Don't worry, we got it all worked out. Somehow. An act of God.

There were some newspaper reporters there taking pictures of Amanda and I. We were told later that our pictures will be printed in the newspaper - in "maybe three months". Talk about getting the story in advance. We're going to be local celebrities. Come to think of it, we already famous. We're the two foreigners!

Little did I know that each and every person would get the opportunity to drive the combine. The kids loved it, but it took quite some time for every child to plow the perimeter.

This kid was hardly working!!

Maybe if he'd been paying a little more attention this wouldn't have happened! :)

Everyone kept asking me if this combine was like the combines in Iowa. I said yes, even though I have no idea. Does that make me a bad person? I couldn't let them down by saying I don't know anything about farming, even though I don't.

When I said everybody got the chance to plow, I meant everybody. Amanda and I saddled up when it was our turn. I'll just add this to the resume.

Me and my babies after a hard day of work. Talk about free labor.

much love

1 comment:

  1. Tara
    Your kids are adorable and it really looked like they had fun. Send me that paper when it comes out. MOM XXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOO
