Sunday, November 25, 2007

Awaji Island Bus Trip ...

Way back when Amanda and I were invited by Naoko's mother to go on a bus tour. We had no idea what to expect or what a bus tour consisted of, but we gladly accepted the invitation and began preparing ourselves for whatever might come along ... we never really know what we are getting ourselves in to. I cannot remember the last time I woke up at 5:30, but I can guarantee that I was not happy about it. Needless to say, I was less than thrilled when Naoko said she would be at our apartment at 6:10. Surprisingly, Amanda and I made it out the door, with coffee in our hands, right at 6:10 and we all headed to the bus station. There were about ten of us going together and Amanda and I were rather chipper considering the time. When we got to the bus station to get on our bus tour, Amanda and I realized that we were early…by almost an hour. I know I'm not the most punctual person and I try to justify when I'm late by saying that I'm maximizing my time and yada yada, but come on. An hour early when it is already so early? Are you kidding me? We were not amused in the least. Instead of complaining, we waited. Outside in the cold, sleeping with our eyes open.

Once we finally got on the bus we were ok. We escaped the cold and were ready to begin venturing towards our destination, although we still didn't know exactly where we were going. After about 10 minutes we had both managed to somewhat fall asleep, although we were in the most uncomfortable positions. Everything was ok until about 30 minutes into the trip when our tour guide came on the microphone to tell us that we had to turn around and head back to the station because she had left people thinking that they were no shows for the tour. Oh no, they were there and had been there, she just accidentally left them. Naoko explained to us that "maybe she is a freshman".

Trying to sleep ...

but it was difficult.
Especially with two cute girls in front of us who were not interested in sleeping. :)
Ayaka & Misaki...

We traveled for a couple of hours, although we made a couple of stops at the Japanese rest areas, and we finally arrived at our first stop; Shirogane Jewelry Company.

We walked around and saw some interesting things and Naoko helped translate everything. I still swear that this is straight out of Harry Potter...

Don't we have this stuff in Iowa? Come on Bob, help me out.

Then we were able to go on a tour of the building. We saw all sorts of interesting things being twisted and turned, jeweled and sized, polished and cleaned. It was really interesting.

And when we finished we had the opportunity to try on all of the extremely expensive jewelry. Amanda and I tried on all sorts of things priced over $10,000. Huge rings, outrageous necklaces, big earrings.
Misaki was checking out the quality of the craftsmanship...

After the jewelry shop we got back in the bus and headed to our next stop; lunch and the onsen at a famous hotel of some sorts.
Most of the drive looked like this ...

By the time we got to the hotel, we were starving. That 'I'd-give-anything-for-a-____' type of hunger. Of course whatever you used to fill in the blank was not available. Our lunch was traditional Japanese and mostly raw. Inside every covered bowl was a raw surprise, except the big bowl. That was a cooked surprise. An entire fish kind of surprise. When I opened the lid I was being stared out by a fish with a huge eye and lots of teeth. Naoko explained to me that you can just use your chopsticks to "dig around" and that the "most delicious part is around that eye". I'm still not completely used to the traditional food.

After lunch we went to the onsen. If you aren't familiar with the concept of the onsen, let me know and I will be more than happy to explain. It's easily described as a large collection of hot tubs with extremely hot water where everyone hangs out and relaxes, minus the swim suit. Or like bathing together, minus the soap. So Amanda and I hung out with Ayaka and Misaki at the onsen, which I know sounds strange but we've done it so many times Naoko says we are "professionals". And after we were healed and beautified and relaxed, we went shopping at the hotel before heading back to the bus.

We made a quick stop at a fish market of some sorts and watched some assembly line of fish and bamboo and then made some prefectural food purchases. This is a Japanese custom... whenever you leave your prefecture (kind of like your state or county back home) you buy food from that place and bring it back to your close friends and family or the people that you care about. Amanda and I follow the custom. We're learning to be Japanese. :)

Finally we boarded a ferry, bus and all, to head back to the mainland. Little did I know what we were going to encounter along the way ...

Those who know me well know that I am terrified of bridges. Not like I just don't like them or I'm just afraid, like I am terrified. Phobia like. I start to hyperventilate and I can't breathe and sometimes I cry and my hands get sweaty and I start to freak out. It's not typically that bad when I'm not actually on the bridge, but I still feel like I'm going to throw up when I look at it.

This bridge was so massive that I had to turn almost completely around to see both sides. Naoko was so sweet. She kept saying, "Tara are you ok? Do you want to return to the inside? Please do not (making puking motions)." Then she said, "Tara, we drive over this bridge earlier. You were asleep. I thought about maybe waking you. Only joke." It reminded me of that trip to Virginia when my brother woke me up just as we got on a huge bridge. All for his own amusement. I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I would have been awake going over that bridge in a bus ... the thought makes my throat tight.

The sunset was beautiful, although it was really cold on the water.

It was also extremely windy. I was convinced Ayaka and Misaki were going to blow away, but they were having fun.
The day was long. We got back to our apartment at around 21:00. Not too bad for our first bus tour with a freshman guide. :)
Little did we know that this was the beginning of several.

much love

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