Friday, December 7, 2007

My Birthday ...

So I turned the big 25 in Japan. Many of my friends know that back home I celebrate my birthday for one full week. That's right, 7 days of celebrating myself. A week full of friends, family, cake, cards, flowers, love. You know, the whole shabang. I knew it would be slightly different this year.

It was different, but it was great. The schools that I work for gave me the cutest birthday presents and the teachers that I give lessons to gave me cards and candy. Some of my children that I give private lessons to wrote me birthday messages and the kitchen even made me a small 'birthday snack' at one of my schools. Since I go to a different school everyday, this lasted for 5 days. Almost a full week long celebration. :)

The night of my birthday Amanda and I went to dinner at a restaurant we had been to before. When we walked in Amanda made sure to tell everybody it was my tanjobi (Japanese for birthday). Let me tell you ... Applebee's has nothing on these people. Amanda got the whole thing on video for your enjoyment.

I was amazed by this sweet birthday dessert.

Amanda and I enjoying our evening. & Yes my hair is black. I don't know about it yet....
Birthday dinner. Can anyone believe that I'm 25 really?

Besides the general fact that I'm now 25, I don't have any complaints this year. My birthday was great. I got a hilarious card from my mom, a sweet present from Matt, lots of love in my mailbox (& my inbox) & two packages still waiting for me at the post office, and lots of "Tanjobi Omedato", which I believe is happy birthday in Japanese. (I should check into that).

Don't think I wouldn't give up all the material things in the world for time with all of you, because I would in a heartbeat, but everyone knows my excitement over deliveries from the postman.

much love



  2. Tara
    I have seen your sense your Birthday and Christmas is now over, but that video was so nice and I'm glad your big 25 was special. LV MOM XXXXXXXOOOOOOOO
